Visit the Indian Mascot and Logo Task Force Facebook page for the lastest information related to the use of "Indian" Mascots, Logos, and Nicknames in K-12 Public Schools of Wisconsin.
Click here to see up to date information on the status of Wisconsin Public School Distrcts that use "Indian" Nicknames, Mascots, and Logos.
The Wisconsin Indian Education Association, "Indian" Mascot and Logo Taskforce seeks innovative legal, educational and political means to eliminate the use of "Indian" mascots, logos and nicknames from all Wisconsin state supported educational facilities.
About the "Teach Respect - Not Racism" Art Work

The original artwork is designed by Oneida artist, Barbara E. Munson, for the Wisconsin Indian Education Association "Indian" Mascot and Logo Taskforce. The logo with its multiple messages: Teach Respect - Not Racism, Indians are People - Not Mascots, No (Indian) Stereotypes in Our Schools was displayed on the Handbook of Indian Logos Honor Manual for Advocacy, the essay "Common Themes and Questions About the Use Of Indian Logos," posters, buttons and t-shirts at the 1997 National Indian Education Association Convention in Tacoma, Washington.
The artist has since given permission to use this logo to many organizations across the country working for eliminating this form of race-based stereotyping from public school environments. If you want to display this logo for that purpose please do so and credit Barbara E. Munson (Oneida) as the artist with a note that this is the logo of the Wisconsin Indian Education Association "Indian" Mascot and Logo Taskforce.
Youth Task Force Public Service Announcement
Created in 1998